News and Events Newsletter

Early Childhood Supports

Our early childhood support providers will take care of your child’s health and education and make way for their overall growth and development. We will ensure their well-being and secure for them a safe, fun and growth-oriented environment.

Our early childhood support covers the following:
  • Identify your child’s development goals and needs and formulate a plan to achieve them.
  • Securing all the needful supports and managing them efficiently for optimum results.
  • Informing the parents about all beneficial childhood intervention supports and helping them do their bit towards helping their child.
  • Helping the children undertake basic activities on their own without compromising their safety.
  • Encourage participation in creative and community activities to develop social skills and provide recreation.
  • Helping the parents find and join parental support groups to get their needed guidance.

Qualified professionals deliver our early childhood support, so you can always trust them to deliver what is safe and suitable for your children.

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